James Paley & One ATTA Time
Every 90 seconds a child dies from a water-related disease.
The mission of ATTA is to provide clean water to children around the globe, provide short and long term life essentials to children dying from preventable diseases, and to raise up students who will be the future community leaders one child “ATTA” time.
ATTA accomplishes these goals in two ways:
Provide filters for clean water. Each filter purifies up to five hundred gallons of water a day and up to one million gallons over its life. It removes 99.99% of harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses, and the water is cleaner than much of the water here in the US.
Inspire student leaders. ATTA comes alongside local schools helping to encourage, equip and mobilize students, as they learn how to maintain water filters and get involved in community leadership. A bilingual and bicultural Leadership Training Program has been created through a coalition of schools, community centers, and ATTA that brings together in-country and US students that builds on respect, trust, and responsibility.

For more than eight years, James has worked with One ATTA Time (ATTA) and other organizations to provide fresh water and train leaders in Las Delicias, El Salvador. Our goal is to work with established community infrastructures to create sustainable progress in health and education. James assists One ATTA Time, El Liceo Cristiano de Reverando Juan Bueno, and La Iglesia Buen Samaritano, as a key team member with the Leadership Training Program.
This holistic strategy has two sessions per day: 1) in the morning, the local and US students learn and exercise leadership training through activities and discussion; and 2) in the afternoon, students practice what was just learned by working together on a community project, like the ATTA Water Project. Now, more people have access to clean water, and students and adults in the community are dedicated to bringing about transformational change.